Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Heart of Mid-Lothian II

The book is begun by a riot which involves kidnapping a priest, breaking into a jail and hanging a man that has been pardoned by the King. Jeanie Deans is the main character. Her sister Effie has been put in jail for infantacide, she was in the jail that was liberated but instead of running away she stayed. When her trial starts she is a little unsure that this was a good choice, she knows she didn't kill her child, but she can't prove it.

One white lie from Jeanie Deans and this trial would be over and Effie would be free of all the charges. But she will not lie, not even to a currupt court for the sake of her sisters life. So Effie is convicted of infanticide, and she is sentenced to be hanged by the neck until dead in six weeks time.

Jeanie is going to go off to the Queen and beg her pardon. So she gets some advice from the ex theif who is now the turnkey for the jail that she should go to someone a little lower down then the Queen first and try to get their help and then go with them to the Queen. She is getting ready to set out on this quest at the place that I have read up to. I can't wait to know how things pan out for poor, beautiful young Effie Deans.

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