Monday, March 24, 2008


Kidnapped by R. L. Stevenson is the book that I'm reading for my Scottish Literature class now. I got sick of Heart of Mid-Lothian and I'm not even done with it but I'll finish it some day.

Kidnapped so far is about a boy who is on his way to becoming a man. It really feels like a coming of age story anyway. I'm 1/4 of the way into the book and he has visited a very nasty uncle who sold him to the owner of a ship who is going to sell him into slavery in England. So this little scottish lad has lost his father, discoverd that his uncle is a murderer, then realized that his uncle is in posetion of his own inheritance and with the help a of a lawyer he'd be rich by the next day. But then he's put on a boat, or tricked on to this boat and now he is in company with a rough crowd but he's being treated OK. But the end of his journy is slavary.

So far it is very good and after I read the next 50 pages I will up date you on my progress.

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