Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I guess the novel isn't so bad. It is an extreamly graphic novel, with lots of cursing. I don't think anyone under 18 should pick up this book. It is explicit content on drug use, but it is very true to life. Welsh didn't clean it up one bit, so I think that is kind of good to give us a glimpse into that sort of culture.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


You might have the flu too. I didn't know what to do for my flu symptoms so I looked it up on Webmd for some help.
I wish that I could be at home doing these home remedies and reading a book but it's the last week of classes so I'm at school, uncomfortable and all kinds of germy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So these two characters are going to apply for jobs, but they don't want to get them because they want to keep recieving welfare. So they go on interviews to keep the welfare people happy and they botch them so that they won't have to work. This is an interesting tactic. So maybe even if we did require the people on welfare to look for jobs or go to school or do something they wouldn't they would just make it look like they were.


Thus far this book has offended my sesitive senses and I'm not quite happy with it. It's confusing, it is several drug addicts lives or points of view and it is really weird. I am still plugging away and hoping to finish this by tomorrow. I'm not liking it though and honestly the swearing has really turned me off completly. I don't like cursing and I don't think some of these words should ever be used.

Sunset Song the end

So Chris has been through so much. She makes love to another man that isn't her husband. Her husband dies a trator in France. She's in love again and then he dies too and she is just learning a lot all at once.
I kind of found it sweet that Ewan died because he wanted to get back to her and appologize. All in all I really liked this book and I believe I will be looking at the rest of the trilogy soon.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm not too interested in politics. I believe that politicians are the worst kind a sales people in the world and they are only out to serve their own means, if they happen to help a few people along the way oh well. I do wish that this country would branch out a little more and wake up on some very important issues. Soon the Government will be the only ones who can afford gas and milk and cheese. Things that are good for the body just keep getting more expensive. If I could buy 12 oranges for the same price as 12 poptarts I would, but I can't, so do we wonder why we are all fat. I believe it's because we make everything too expensive and it's only available to those with a lot of money. So what politician is going to address these issues?

Sunset Song- the war is on

The Scottish are getting involved in the war. It's time for the World War, the war to end all wars. So the young men around Chris are off to war. Ewan doesn't sound interested at all in going off to war and Chea who is back already seems quite upset with the matter. Chea has changed but so has the land and the people in the town since he left. So it's a dificult deal for everyone, lets see if Ewan has to go to war.